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Oxford County Council outlines the different types of childcare and where providers can be found.
Day Nurseries provides independent ratings and reviews for local nurseries.
Childcare Choices explains the different types of childcare savings available to parents.
Oxford County Council has childcare payment advice for local residents.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework outlines a coherent approach to early care and education.
Development Matters outlines what your child should be achieving and when.
Family Lives offers advice on a range of issues that both children and parents may face.
Gingerbread supports single parent families.
Oxfordshire Family Information Services (OXFIS) provides information and support for local children and families.
The following charities are available to help parents who experience pregnancy or baby loss:
The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families
The Miscarriage Association: Pregnancy loss information and support
Baby loss information and support | Tommy's (tommys.org)
Sands | Stillbirth and neonatal death charity
The Ofsted ratings for our nurseries can be found here:
Nursery Enquiries
01865 289841
Finance Enquiries
01865 289835